- Cleaning
- Polishing
- Extractions

Medical Prescriptions cannot be written unless there is an established patient veterinarian relationship

Wellness Care
- Annual Exams
- Laboratory
- Thyroid Testing
- Fecal Tests
- Blood Panels Tests
- Heartworm Test
- Required Vaccinations

Nutrition Counseling
- Weight management
- Food selection

Minor Surgical Procedures
- Spay and neuters by appointment
- Lacerations
- Skin Issues

In-Home Euthanasia
- House calls by appointment
- Transportation to crematory provided
View In-Home
Euthanasia Page
Customized vaccine protocols
Interstate & International USDA Health Certificates
Rabies Tags
Senior Care
- Annual exams
- Laboratory tests
- Referrals for Therapeutic Services
All pets should be microchipped
Preventative Medicine
- Heartworm Products
- Flea Products
- Tick Products